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Scirj, Volume XI [2024]
November Issue [In Process] October Issue September Issue August Issue July Issue June Issue May Issue April Issue March Issue February Issue January Issue |
Scientific Research Journal
Scirj Volume XII, Issue X, October 2024 Edition ISSN: 2201-2796 Publication starts: 15th October 2024 Full Paper available from: 15th October 2024 Advanced Equilibrium Analysis in Game-Theoretic Models: Extending Evolutionary Algorithms to Complex Strategic Scenarios Natalia Trankova, Olga Chumakova, Andrei Zhuk, Dmitrii Rykunov, Ivan Giganov, Yaroslav Starukhin, Ivan Serov Abstract: This article presents a comprehensive empirical and theoretical evaluation of an evolutionary optimization algorithm designed to locate multiple equilibria in game-theoretic models. Building upon a general-purpose framework established in [1], the algorithm is extended to complex strategic scenarios, including mixed strategies, dynamic environments, and high-dimensional strategy spaces. Its performance is rigorously analyzed across various models, examining the impact of parameters such as population size and mutation rate on convergence dynamics.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) IS THE SMART SOLUTION FOR OCEAN RESOURCES PRESERVATION AND MARITIME INDUSTRY OPERATION IN MODERN ERA Hossain K A Abstract: Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is considering as an effective and useful tools to monitoring Ocean health. Now Oceans play a vital role in captivating carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, regulating climate, and providing home for marine living. However, Ocean and it contain are under threat from pollution, accident, and rising temperatures since recent development of civilization. Now a day, AI algorithms and smart technology researchers can monitor and model Ocean environment with extraordinary accuracy, tracking changes over time and space that are important to the health and existence of marine life and even earth. The activities and life of marine species always remains one of the most mysterious areas for researchers due to the enormity and cloudiness of the Ocean, and that becoming obvious thanks to AI. Today, AI and other smart technology facilitates including analysis of huge datasets obtained from tagging and tracking devices, underwater cameras, or remote sensing technologies, providing new insights into migration patterns, predator prey relationships, and response to environmental stressors.
EXTERNAL FACTORS INFLUENCING THE COMPETITIVE ABILITY OF MSMEs IN TATELU RONDOR VILLAGE, DIMEMBE DISTRICT, NORTH MINAHASA REGENCY Sicilia S. Panelewen, Endah P.Haryono, Rolina E. Manggopa, Johannes K. Santie Abstract: The purpose of this research was to determine the external factors that affect the competitiveness of MSMEs in Tatelu Rondor Village, Dimembe District, North Minahasa Regency. The research method used is a qualitative method. Qualitative research is a process of research and understanding based on a method that investigates a phenomenon of external factors on the competitiveness of MSMEs Selling Credit in Tatelu Rondor Village. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Data analysis methods, namely: a). observation, b). interviews market conditions, competitors, technology and politics and law on the businesses they run, and what strategies are carried out by MSMEs to survive in the face of existing competition. d). formulate strategic policies by implementing internal and external environmental analysis. The results of the study indicate that the Tatelu Rondor village government continues to maintain the continuity of local MSMEs by not giving permission to retail entrepreneurs from outside to open businesses or expand to Tatelu Rondor Village. Kiosk Credit players in Tatelu Rondor Village can take out loans at the nearest Bank with a low interest facility of 6%, in the form of People Business Credit to increase their business capital. With the increase in capital, then the MSMEs can add more variety to the items on their counters, such as providing cold drinks and snacks.
ANALYSIS OF PRICE ELASTICITY AND COMMERCIAL RICE SALES VOLUME OF PERUM BULOG NORTH SULAWESI REGIONAL OFFICE Novy J. Kasenda Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze the price elasticity and sales volume of commercial rice at the Perum Bulog Regional Office of North Sulawesi. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive analysis method. Types and sources of data include primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses qualitative descriptive, the data used in this research is by going directly to the field and making observations in the field, to related parties in order to collect data. While the interview data, both directly and indirectly, are used to conclude the findings obtained in the study. The results of the research indicate that sales volume, measured based on product units sold, is the number of real sales units of the company in a certain period, while the value of the product sold, is the amount of real sales value of the company in a certain period. The volume of rice sales at Perum Bulog Regional Office of North Sulawesi has increased. This is because the products sold by Perum Bulog Regional Office of North Sulawesi, especially rice, are the main food ingredients in meeting human needs, and of course the price of rice at Perum Bulog Regional Office of North Sulawesi, is relatively cheaper compared to others.
ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL REPORTS BASED ON FUNDAMENTAL RATIO TO ASSESS FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AT PT. LSPA IN MANADO Deisy Lusiana Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze financial statements based on fundamental ratios to assess financial performance at PT. LSPA in Manado. The ratios used in the analysis of financial statements include liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, profitability ratios, and activity ratios. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques through interviews, documentation, and observation. Data analysis techniques, namely: fundamental financial ratio analysis can be done by calculating ratios, the sources of which are obtained from the figures listed in the financial balance sheet and profit and loss statement of a company, then these ratios are referred to as fundamental financial ratios. The results of the study show that the financial ratios of PT LSPA from 2020 to 2023 are as follows: Liquidity Ratio, during 2020 to 2023 it can be said that the Company is less able to pay off its short-term obligations. Solvency Ratio, during 2020 to 2023 it can be said that the company is still able to pay off its long-term debts. Activity Ratio, if assessed from the activity ratio, the company financial performance for the 2020-2023 period has not been effective in managing its resources. Profitability Ratio, in 2020 to 2023 it can be said that the company is less effective in generating profits. Profit Growth Ratio, in 2020 to 2023 it can be said that the company experienced relatively low profit growth and experienced a significant decline in 2022.
Published Issue: Scirj, Volume XI [2024] November Issue [In Process] October Issue September Issue August Issue July Issue June Issue May Issue April Issue March Issue February Issue January Issue Scirj, Volume XI [2023] December Issue November Issue October Issue September Issue August Issue July Issue June Issue May Issue April Issue March Issue February Issue January Issue |
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