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Scirj, Volume XI [2024]
November Issue [In Process]
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March Issue
February Issue
January Issue

Scirj, Volume XI [2023]
December Issue
November Issue
October Issue
September Issue
August Issue
July Issue
June Issue
May Issue
April Issue
March Issue
February Issue
January Issue

Scirj paper submission standards and Guidelines

Guidelines for Author(s):

Scirj aims to widespread the original research all across the society on an open access platform. To achieve our set goals with utmost standards each paper should comply with its authenticity. So, each author while writing/submitting the research paper must adhere the following Scirj author guidelines.
  1. Research paper/review article should be original. The content of research paper must not be copied from any other sources. Scirj follows a zero tolerance policy against the plagiarism and promotes the publication of only original research work.
  2. Each of our published research paper is passed through plagiarism check to ensure the authenticity of research. So, author(s) are advised to comply with plagiarism policy of Scirj.
  3. Submitted research paper should represent a logical analysis and study showing the significance of writing the research paper.
  4. Research paper should be sent to Scirj in .doc/.docx file format. No other format will be accepted in any circumstances.
  5. Each research paper will go through a review process cycle comprising a period of atleast 12 working days. Meanwhile author(s) will be periodically updated with current status of submitted research work.
  6. Author(s) of published research paper can request for any supporting document of review process of their selected research paper. It consists of Reviewer report, Originality report study and final editorial report.
  7. Each sort of communication with Scirj will be solely carried out through email exchange by giving a proper reference of their research paper.

Guidelines for formatting:

Scirj maintain a consistency in formatting and structure of all published research papers by strictly adhering the international norms and standard validated for scholarly journals.

In order to achieve the set standards Scirj individually focuses on publishing quality of each research paper by thoroughly checking and ensuring the format consistency before final publication.

Keeping all these points in mind and to set a benchmark in all publications we have devised a simple 3 step process to give a quality publication experience with us.
  1. Draft your research paper as per attached Scirj paper submission template.
    Single column: It is recommended for papers having full page tables, figures and appendixes.
    Double column: It is recommended for papers with small tables, figures and appendixes.
  2. If the submitted research paper gets selected after review then our selection team will take care of final formatting and structuring.
  3. Once we are done with final formatting then the research paper will be sent to corresponding author(s) for proof reading to ensure the complete coverage, consistency and defined standards.

Submit your research paper


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