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Scientific Research Journal

Scirj Volume IV, Issue IX, September 2016 Edition
ISSN: 2201-2796

Publication starts: 25th September 2016
Full Paper available from: 25th September 2016

Psychological Consequences of Hypertensive Disorders among Pregnant Women
Dr. Elsayda Hamdy Nasr , Dr. Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan, Dr. Eman Ali Abd El Moaty Sheha

Abstract: Hypertension is a general wellbeing worry because of its extent, dangers, trouble in administration, high medicinal and social expenses and extreme cardiovascular and renal confusions. Hypertension is the most widely recognized restorative issue experienced in pregnancy and remains a critical reason for maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Aim of the study: determine the prevalence of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy among pregnant women in relation to other medical disorders. In addition, consequences of hypertensive disorders among them. Methodology: An explorative study among 196 pregnant women with hypertensive disorders during pregnancy from 400 pregnancies associated with medical disorders in the high-risk obstetric departments, and the antenatal outpatient clinics at all governmental hospitals in Beni-Suef City. Results: The severe level of stress (53.6%) and depression (51.9%) was found in the age group of 25-30 years. Statistically significant correlation was found between depression and stress levels and women's level of education (p= 0.000, 0.002), respectively. Severe level of depression (61.0%) and stress (67.4%) were observed in women who were in their first trimester (P-Value 0.000). Conclusion: Statistically significant association between sociodemographic and obstetrical characteristics and level of stress and depression symptoms.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 1-8

Weapon Control system for an Autonomous Robot Using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Networks
R.M.S.B Ratnayake

Abstract: Replacing human soldiers with autonomous robots can have many advantages such as saving human lives in a war field. Applying technology in the war field not only helps to save the life of soldiers, further it will definitely give more chances for the team to win over the enemy attacks. The robots can apply as spying, attacking or defending mechanism in the front battle field. In this research, a weapon control system has designed using image processing, Artificial neural network and servo motor control mechanism to fix in to an autonomous robot to track the enemy and control a robot arm with a fixed weapon to exactly target the enemy object by accurately turning the servo motors to the required angle.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 9-10

The Role of Government Management In the Development of Basic Education in Sigi Regency Central Sulawesi Province

Abstract: Background of this research is the development of basic education in Sigi regency, Central Sulawesi province due to lack of the effective policy of regional autonomy, limited budgets and inadequate infrastructure. The purpose of this study was to know the role of regional autonomy policy, budget and infrastructure in the development of basic education either partially or jointly.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 11-17

The Protection of Whistleblower and Justice Collaborator in the Case of Narcotics in Indonesia: A Review
Dr. Aan Asphianto, S, Si., SH., MH

Abstract: The misuse and illicit narcotics (drugs) trading in Indonesia have become serious problem in Indonesia. To mitigate this problem, the Government of Indonesia has developed many government institutions to handle the problem. However, the ideal concept to protect the so called whistleblowers and the justice collaborators have not yet been determined especially towards requirement remission given to them. This paper based on the review studies aims to discuss the nature of protections and conditions that should be given to the whistleblowers and justice collaborators. The study argued that the protection given for the whistleblowers and justice collaborates should be based on the regulations that have been made by the GOI. Also, it was found that there are three things that need attention by the GOI. First, whistleblower should be given protection as soon as possible. Second, the information from the whistleblowers can be used as initial evidence sufficient to reveal the crime syndicate. The third is that if the whistleblower provides information that could be used to dismantle crime syndicates totally, then this can be used as a potential excuse to remove the criminal charges. Thus, much remain to be done by the GOI to protect the whistleblowers and the justice collaborators in the case of illegal drugs.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 18-24

Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Academics at Tertiary Level Educational Institution
Charitha Harshani Perera, Dr. K. Kajendra

Abstract: Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance methods include job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. A successful business organization normally considers the average employees as the primary source of productivity gains. For such organization, satisfied employees are the assets.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 25-29

The Development of Indonesian Civil Law
Dr. Irawan Soerodjo, S.H., M.Si.

Abstract: Indonesian civil law is codified and it still follows the pattern of the Dutch civil code. The core parts of this civil law consist of Person Law (Personnenrecht), Family Law (Familierecht), Property Law (Vermogensrecht) and Inheritance Law (Erfrecht). During its development, it was started to be nationalized in legislation, such as land laws, and while the other parts were remain guided by the Civil Code.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 30-35

Structure of Household Income and Expenditure and Its impact on Poverty Alleviation

Abstract: The aim of current study is to find determinants to alleviate poverty using data of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey-2010 conducted by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. According to the destination, Multinomial logit model with nominal response is appropriate for determining objective variables. It is common practice thatthe categorical response has more than two levels. Here, dependent variable calorie intake has four levels and independent variable, level of education has two categories, household members have four categories, household income and household expenditure both have four categories. Determining the significance of explanatory variablesfor alleviating poverty, maximum likelihood ratio test, Wald test were used. The findings suggest that the parameters estimates under three logit, household members and household expenditure are significantly associated with the poverty. Thus, it can be concluded that this model may play a vital role in alleviation of poverty in Bangladesh as well as in the third world countries.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 36-44

Community Participation Helps Government in Flood Disaster Management
Dr. DewiSulistyani, MM.,M.Si

Abstract: Flood is a major problem in DKI Jakarta and it reoccurs every year, resulting in material losses and disrupts business activity in this capital city of Indonesia. It is the obligation of governments to cope with the flood problems so the loss is minimized. The purpose of this research is to find a model of community participation that can help the government to overcome the floods in DKI Jakarta. This research used quantitative approach, with population of 1.613, 321 samples and linear regression model with coefficient of determination technique analysis. The results of this study showed that community participation can influence the effectiveness of flood disaster management in DKI Jakarta up to 61,76%. That’s why the society must be empowered and given a space to participate by taking into account economic factors, political, social, culture and education. They must also be given the knowledge and regular training and ongoing in handling the flood disaster.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 45-48

The Effectiveness of the Empowerment of Small Businesses in Sarolangun Regency, Jambi
Dr. Hariatia

Abstract: Small businesses have contributed a great deal on local revenues and state revenues in Indonesia. This research aims to determine the influence of coordination, personnel competence, budget and public participation on the effectiveness of small business in Sarolangun Regency, Jambi. This research used quantitative approach with a sample of 340 respondents. Data collection technique uses observation, documentation, literature study and questionnaire. Based on the statistical result, it was found that all of the dependent variables examined in the study showed significant effect to the effectiveness of the empowerment of small entrepreneurs. Therefore, great efforts to support the development of small entrepreneurs are important for the sustainable economic development in Sarolangun Regency, Jambi.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 49-52

Prevalence of Hypovitaminosis D in Adult Iraqi People Including Postmenopausal Women
Al-Hilali, K. A., FRCP

Abstract: Vitamin D is a fat–soluble vitamin highly important for skeletal health. Its deficiency is very common and a worldwide metabolic disorder.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 53-62

Dr. H. Djafar Al Bram

Abstract: Tax Holiday is one form of the investment facilities that was provided by the Government to investors who like to invest in Indonesia. This provision is stipulated in the article 18 of the Law No. 25 Year 2007 on investment. This tax facility is different from those mentioned in the Article 31A of the Law Number 7 of 1983 concerning income tax that has been amended few times into the Act No. 36 of 2008. The facility given is in the form of exemption or reduction of corporate income tax for strategic industries. However, the study that examined the detail of this fiscal policy is limited. For that reason, this study, using legal official documents and other secondary sources, aims at examining and discussing procedures and mechanism to have a granting exemption facility of income tax for the new investment in the pioneer industry. The study found that there are at least seven regulations that support the granting exemption facility of the income tax. The length of corporate income tax exemption was for a maximum period of ten taxable years and the five-year minimum taxable years since the fiscal year when the commercial production begin. The taxpayers will be granted the exemption facility or reduction of corporate income tax if they have fulfilled at least four criteria. There are team and institutions that conduct an evaluation of the use of the exemption facility or reduction of corporate income taxes. Also, the investors must submit periodical report to the Head of The Investment Coordinating Board every 6 months period. Finally, the time length of verification documents to have a granting approval for the exemption facility for the income tax will be within a maximum period of 30 working days after the proposal have been received by the Minister of Industry or the Head of the Investment Coordinating Board.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 63-69

Ibitola G. A., Ajanaku Olanrewaju and Ayegbusi Oluwole

Abstract: It has been observed that, hitherto only 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional heat flows in solids are treated, hence in this paper an attempt is made to present the analysis of heat flow in 3-dimensional solids. In this paper, we considered and solved the problems of heat flow in 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional solids. We are interested here in temperature distribution functions, while a lot of literature has been written on heat energy distribution function. Further we solved the problem of heat flow theoretically and computationally in a three-dimensional solid bar, we then identified the parameters upon which the heat flow depends with a view of achieving its controllability. The importance of this research work lies in its provision of some utility data when designing heat pipes for homes and industries. We had used the method of separation of variables for both 1-dimensional and 3-dimensional heat conductions, while we had used the Laplace transform of equations for the 2- dimensional heat flow.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 70-80

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