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Scirj, Volume XI [2023]
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Scientific Research Journal

Scirj Volume XI, Issue XI, November 2023 Edition
ISSN: 2201-2796

Publication starts: 25th November 2023
Full Paper available from: 25th November 2023

Effects of different Biomass fuel type on breathing difficulties among the women of rural community in Bangladesh
Md. Musfikus Salehin, Rukhshana Islam

Abstract: Background In this paper, an attempt has been made to explore the relationship between different biomass fuel user and their health problems. Methods For the purpose of analysis, “IUB Health and Socio-Economic Survey” 2013 data was used. Bivariate analysis along with a Chi-square test was performed to examine association. Results Results highlighted that simpler from of biomass fuel such as leaf have higher prevalence of having breathing difficulties than complex from of biomass fuel such as cow dung. Fuel type Cow Dung user compared to leaf user, has 68.34% lower odds of having breathing difficulties, keeping all other independent variables at a constant level. Although 60+ ages’ female, primary and secondary educated female, heart disease, asthma and anxiety have significant effect of having Breathing Difficulties. Conclusions Findings of this paper indicate that using complex from of biomass fuel is safer rather than using simpler form of biomass fuel. Completely avoiding biomass fuel is not possible in the Developing country like Bangladesh right now that’s why it is suggested to use complex from of biomass fuel for combustion.
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Practices and Challenges of Modern Leadership in the Era of Technological Advancement
Hossain KA

Abstract: In the modern era, there is a growing awareness regarding the importance and need for leadership. A wide recognition of the critical need for leadership is so prevalent that almost all universities and renowned organizations now offer course or programs in their curriculum. Today rapidly evolving world, the effective use of technology and modern style has become crucial aspect of leadership. Technology profoundly influences every aspect of human life and transforming the way modern leader interact, manage daily affairs, and conduct their business. The ability to leverage technological advancements not only enhances efficiency and productivity but also allows modern leaders to make informed decisions, drive innovation, and stay ahead of the competition. Globally, the most successful leaders recognize the extent to which technology can support them in managing people. It can also support building teams, and monitoring work across all channels and locations worldwide. However, incorporating technology into leadership requires careful consideration of its feasibility, viability, and legality. With advances in technology and globalization, the traditional workplace is no longer as conventional as it once was. In order to be successful, today’s modern leaders need to adopt a more modern approach to management. This includes embracing new concepts and strategies, while also remaining flexible and open to change. However, there is an argument that traditional leadership is still not obsolete, and that the two approaches can actually be applied simultaneously. Modern leadership may be better suited in a scenario where an organization deals with creativity and needs change, as well as times of rapid growth. In this exclusive study, author endeavors to explore how technology has evolved over time, development and challenges, the core values of a modern leaders, their personal assets, along with develop and practice of modern leadership concept.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 10-70

Published Issue:

Scirj, Volume XI [2024]
November Issue [In Process]
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Scirj, Volume XI [2023]
December Issue
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