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Scirj, Volume XI [2024]
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Scirj Volume III, Issue I, January 2015 Edition ISSN: 2201-2796 Effects of Policy Implementation, the Competence of the Apparatus, Infrastructures and Community Empowerment on the Effectiveness of Waste Management in the City of Depok, West Java Province Sriyono Joko Sutopo, Musa Hubeis, Carunia Mulya Firdausy, Rahimullah Abstract: Waste management is one of the difficult problems faced by almost all cities and districts in Indonesia.This problem becomes mounting at least because of the lack of policy implementation, the competence of apparatus, the lack of infrastructure availability and the lack of community empowerment. However, the study to examine the main determinant of the above four factors has not yet been available. For this reason, the study aims to determine what variables influence significantly the effectiveness of waste management, taking the city of Depok, West Java as a case study. Methods used in this study are both quantitative and qualitative using questionnaires, in-depth interview, and field observation. The number of respondents collected using questionnaires were 311. These data were then analysed statistically using multiple regression analysis. The study found that all of the independent variables such as the policy implementation, the competency of the apparatus, infrastructures, and the community empowerment have significant influence on the effectiveness of waste management in the city of Depok, West Java. However, of these four variables it was found that the community empowerment and infrastructures have been more dominant in contributing to the effectiveness of waste management. Therefore, it is a must for the policy makers in the city of Depok, West Java to give serious attention to the above four variables, especially to the provision of infrastructure and the community empowerment. Reference this Paper: Effects of Policy Implementation, the Competence of the Apparatus, Infrastructures and Community Empowerment on the Effectiveness of Waste Management in the City of Depok, West Java Province by Sriyono Joko Sutopo, Musa Hubeis, Carunia Mulya Firdausy, Rahimullah published at: "Scientific Research Journal (Scirj), Volume III, Issue I, January 2015 Edition, Page 29-36 ". Search Terms: waste management, policy implementation, apparatus, infrastructures, community empowerment, effectiveness of waste management [Read Research Paper] [Full Screen] |
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