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Scientific Research Journal

Scirj Volume XI, Issue XII, December 2023 Edition
ISSN: 2201-2796

Publication starts: 25th December 2023
Full Paper available from: 25th December 2023

A review of current water governance in Bangladesh: A Case study on administrative and performance of water policy
Faisal Ahmed, Abdul Kadir Ibne Kamal, Mohammad Hossain Bin Idrish

Abstract: Being a riverine country with a huge population, Bangladesh is facing numerous problems in water governance. Bangladesh is facing unprecedented water pollution, water-borne diseases, river sedimentation, water scarcity in the dry season, flooding in monsoons, and discharging wastewater into the rivers. Most of the southern part is affected by salinity. Groundwater Arsenic contamination has reached the worst level in the world. Ninety-seven percent of the population in the country uses groundwater for drinking and domestic purposes as surface water is mismanaged. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to highlight Bangladesh water governance current preview and its challenges.
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The Moderating Effect of Competition Intensity of Public Accounting Firms (PAF) Towards the Influences of Professional Commitment on the Auditors Independence in Indonesia
Nur Alimin Azis

Abstract: This study aimed to examine the Moderating Effect of Competition Intensity of Public Accounting Firms (hereafter PAF) towards the influences of Professional Commitment to the Auditors Independence in Indonesia. The research samples were 107 public accountants throughout Indonesia. The samples were chosen randomly. In addition, data were collected through survey method. The test results suggested that the intensity of competition for public accounting firms was proved to have weakened the relationship of professional commitment to the independence of auditors in Indonesia.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 11-15

ZeroFog: Reusable Anti-Fog Cloth for Glasses, Marketing Analysis and Details
Conor Kelly

Abstract: ZeroFog is a reusable anti-fog cloth for glasses which launched during the Covid-19 pandemic as a solution to foggy glasses caused by wearing a face mask. During one-year period, Zero Fog Ltd sold 45,000 units to 12,000 customers. In this study we analysed the key drivers of ZeroFog business model and identified that it uses a value chain model – buying low-cost cost manufactured products from Asia, adding marketing & branding value and selling them for a markup in the European market. The effectiveness of the model added marketing value has led us to conclude that this business should be viewed as a marketing engine rather than a single anti-fog product business. Looking at ZeroFog marketing data, a regression analysis confirmed that social media campaigns through Instagram influencers are a perfect tool to penetrate a large audience quickly. Once a core customer base is established more cost-effective strategies like email marketing, TV appearances and radio drive up margins and create customer retention. The Irish targeting strategy led to a high proportion of sales made in Ireland and to our surprise the majority of customers were women. Survey insights highlighted that customers strongly prefer fast delivery times and have a preference towards Irish products. This report assesses how the success of ZeroFog can be used to build a framework which can be applied by marketers of other consumer packaged goods to rapidly penetrate the Irish market and grow as effectively as ZeroFog under a new strategic model.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 16-31

Strategies for Net Structural Savings in Manufacturing Environments

Abstract: In order to achieve specific goals, a number of tasks, known as projects, need to be completed. The project can include various types of activities: from optimizing the use of raw materials to purchasing and installing equipment at the factory, building a house, painting and much more. In any project, the key stage is the need to draw up a plan before proceeding with the tasks set. This stage of planning undoubtedly requires considerable effort and organizational skills, and effective project management can greatly facilitate this process. In order to ensure stability in today rapidly developing markets, the introduction of new technologies into production processes remains a key factor for staying in the market among competitors. Each manufacturing company finds ways to optimize operating costs and increase profits, and in 2023 this remains their main criterion for success. Project management in manufacturing industries seems to be a difficult task, but the use of production project management software helps companies optimally allocate resources through competent planning. These programs provide an opportunity for companies to customize the tools in accordance with the requirements of the industry. Designed specifically for this purpose, they help companies allocate resources efficiently and create customized analytical reports. This approach allows you to focus on upcoming tasks through creative interaction and data analysis. The aim of the work was to identify and study the currently existing structural economy strategies in the production environment. To achieve this goal, scientific works, specialized literature, and expert opinions were used.
Read Full Paper Reference this paper Page 32-36

Published Issue:

Scirj, Volume XI [2024]
November Issue [In Process]
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Scirj, Volume XI [2023]
December Issue
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January Issue

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