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Scientific Research Journal
Scirj Volume III, Issue I, January 2015 Edition ISSN: 2201-2796 Publication starts: 25th January 2015 Full Paper available from: 25th January 2015 ![]() Wilma Laura Sahetapy, Prof Dr. Moch. Bakri, Dr. Sihabudin, Dr. Bambang Winarni Abstract: The government role in trading of e-commerce will give a good impact on businesses and consumers. Government has a role to organize and provide protection against e-commerce trading through taxation. The tax determination is necessary because it can provide legal protection in terms of trade. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the government in this regard is the tax assessment, can provide legal certainty to create consumer protection. The results of this research indicate that the tax assessment has relation with e-commerce trade.
![]() HENDERSON, William. J., PURBA, Olivia., PURBA, Hanna Immanuella, TJEUW, Juliana. Abstract: Palm oil quality and quantity are dependent on fruit ripeness. In normal oil palm bunch development when the outer fruit are mature, inner fruit are still at earlier stages of development and maturation. While this variation and lack of maturation synchrony might be an acceptable evolutionary development, it is a major constraint to commercial production. Normal and abnormal bunch structures were investigated to determine their effects on yield. Substantial quantities, 38 - 81% of fruit produced did not reach maturity, and in one case 50% of fruit were not pollinated. This results in lost yield and wasted resources. By providing bunch structures conducive to equal fruit maturation, commercial yields could increase substantially, in excess of 100% in some cases. Palms with different or more open structures should be identified, assessed and the genes responsible identified. Development of bunch structures similar to those of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) and sugar palm (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr.) should be investigated as they would provide unlimited fruit developmental space and allow maturation synchrony.
![]() Baththama Bello Alhassan, Sahalu B. Junaidu, A.A. Obiniyi Abstract: Ontology alignment is a challenging problem which limits or even prevents interoperability among information systems. It aims to find semantic correspondences between a pair of input ontologies with a view to making them semantically interoperable. One product of ontology alignment research is Falcon Aligning Ontologies (Falcon-AO), a system that attempts to align a pair of input ontologies automatically. This paper developed and implemented an enhanced version of Falcon-AO with increased precision. The enhanced system makes use of a large lexical database, WordNet, in the alignment process. Performance of the extended Falcon-AO system was tested and validated using standard benchmark ontologies from the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative. Comparative performance analysis of the original and extended.
![]() R. O. Ukaha Abstract: In veterinary radiology, determination of cardiac features is necessary in the assessment of animals with clinical signs of heart disease. In this work, thoracic radiographs of 10 clinically normal West African Dwarf Goats (WADGs) without any evidence of cardio-thoracic anomaly were examined. The aim of the research was to approximate reference values for radiographic cardiac indices of normal caprine heart image in dorsoventral, ventrodorsal and right lateral projections. The mean radiographic cardiac index was 0.64±0.01 and 0.67±0.01 in DV views and VD views respectively. In 90 per cent of the patients, the cardiac silhouette was found located between the third and sixth ribs, while in the remaining 10 per cent of the animals, the heart shadow was seen between ribs two and five. The two-thirds rule observed in dogs and cats is also applicable to the WADG. Use of radiographic cardiac indices and cardiac silhouette location in diagnosis is easy and objective in clinical practice.
![]() Dr. Erna Widjajati S.H., M.H. Abstract: The importance of tax property has been stipulated in the government act number 12 of 1985. This act has been effective since 1986 as the legal basis of tax collecting with regard to the right of and /or the acquisition of benefits from the land and / or of the ownership, control and / or of the acquisition of the building. However, there has been emerging problems in regard with the implementation of the tax property. For this reason, this paper, using secondary data and primary data from interviews as well as field observation in the Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, aims at discussing conflicts regarding property tax payment obligation and suggesting some legal efforts to resolve the problems. It was found that the legal basis for calculating the increase of property tax in Jakarta is the sale value of taxed object (NJOP) which has not been adjusted in the last three years. The reason is that NJOP has been one basis for calculating property tax because this sale value affects the amount of property tax that the tax payer has to pay. The study also suggests that legal efforts that can be made when there is a tax conflict includes objection, appeal, claim and review.
![]() Sriyono Joko Sutopo, Musa Hubeis, Carunia Mulya Firdausy, Rahimullah Abstract: Waste management is one of the difficult problems faced by almost all cities and districts in Indonesia.This problem becomes mounting at least because of the lack of policy implementation, the competence of apparatus, the lack of infrastructure availability and the lack of community empowerment. However, the study to examine the main determinant of the above four factors has not yet been available. For this reason, the study aims to determine what variables influence significantly the effectiveness of waste management, taking the city of Depok, West Java as a case study. Methods used in this study are both quantitative and qualitative using questionnaires, in-depth interview, and field observation. The number of respondents collected using questionnaires were 311. These data were then analysed statistically using multiple regression analysis. The study found that all of the independent variables such as the policy implementation, the competency of the apparatus, infrastructures, and the community empowerment have significant influence on the effectiveness of waste management in the city of Depok, West Java. However, of these four variables it was found that the community empowerment and infrastructures have been more dominant in contributing to the effectiveness of waste management. Therefore, it is a must for the policy makers in the city of Depok, West Java to give serious attention to the above four variables, especially to the provision of infrastructure and the community empowerment.
![]() Taiwo Adefisoye Abstract: In a bid to ensuring a virile emergency management practice, which would conform to global best practices, the Federal Government of Nigeria, through the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), in 2010, came up with the National Disaster Management Framework (NDMF). The framework was designed among other reasons, to provide jurisdictional responsibilities, promote efficiency and build institutional capacity among the various stakeholders in the area of disaster management. However, since its introduction, the framework is yet to make significant progress in ensuring the provision of effective and efficient institutional capacity especially at the State and Local government levels. Using secondary data, this paper identified some of the reasons for such inadequacy. It argues that the framework lacks full backing of the law to punish non-compliance and non- conformity with its provisions. Also, it identifies poor funding and lack of awareness as other problems affecting the framework. The study concludes that the vision of Nigeria to become one of the top twenty nations of the world in no distant time, would be a mirage if relevant stakeholders do not wake up to their responsibilities and rise to the occasion to ensure the realization of a viable, dynamic, efficient and effective disaster management system. Also, the study advocates the imperative of mainstreaming disaster management education into the curriculum of secondary schools, as well as proper funding as viable strategies of overcoming these challenges.
![]() DR. NJOKU UCHECHUKWU NJOKU, DR. ROCK ODIMMA UKAHA, DR. EBERE OBIAGERI ODIRICHUKWU, DR. KELECHI THERESA JEREMIAH, DR. UZUEGBU OLUCHI MARGARET Abstract: Twelve West African Dwarf bucks were used in the study to evaluate and compare the changes in the physiological parameters, stress response and indices of anaesthesia following linear infiltration of lignocaine and epidural administration of lignocaine. The animals were assigned to three groups of four animals per group. Bucks in groups A and B were administered lignocaine either by linear infiltration along the line of incision for castration, or by epidural injection respectively. The goats were castrated following the anaesthesia. Goats in group C served as the negative control for the experiment. Animals in groups A and B were administered lignocaine at the dose of 4mg/kg. The heart rate, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, blood glucose, onset of analgesia, duration of analgesia, onset of recumbency and duration of recumbency were recorded and analyzed for statistical significance. Following the induction of anaesthesia, the heart and respiratory rates were observed to be significantly (p < 0.05) lower in groups A and B than group C The blood glucose however was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in group A than in group B and C. There was no significant (p ≥ 0.05) difference in the rectal temperature among the groups. The duration of analgesia and recumbency were significantly (p < 0.05) lower in group A than in group B. There was no significant (p ≥ 0.05) difference in the onsets of analgesia and recumbency between the treatment groups. The result of this study is useful in the determination of the anaesthetic procedure to employ in goats. Where long procedures are desired, epidural anaesthesia tends to be preferred because it provides a longer analgesia than the infiltrative method. However, this method is associated with significant changes in the physiological parameters, which may pose severe risks to the patient.
![]() Ekundayo B. Babatunde, Babatunde E. Durowaiye, Ake B. Modupe Abstract: Interest on the effects of domestic violence has increased recently. However, only a few studies have attended to its effects on the witnesses, that is, Nigerian young people in family setting. This article examines the perceptions, experiences, and the various ways in which the occurrence of domestic violence have shaped the lives of Nigerian young people. It uses data emerging from a survey with the use of questionnaire administered to 150 in-school and out of school young people in Omu–Aran, Kwara state to examine the effects of domestic violence on them. Findings suggest that the experiences of respondents exert considerable influence on their perceptions of violence, family life and significantly shaped their decision as relates to choosing a life partner. The study concludes that domestic violence is indeed a social problem that affects Nigerian young people in the family setting. It recommends the involvement of various stakeholders including counsellors, religious and community groups, government as well as other institutions to focus on propagating anti-domestic violence enlightenment programmes that discourage violence in family setting.
Published Issue: Scirj, Volume XIII [2025] January Issue [In Process] Scirj, Volume XII [2024] December Issue November Issue October Issue September Issue August Issue July Issue June Issue May Issue April Issue March Issue February Issue January Issue |
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